Category Archives: RPT Coffin

What Makes a Book a Maine Book?

Earlier this year, DownEast magazine chose 100 books that “every lover of Maine should read.”  This idea of “Maine books” has long fascinated me.  It is really a question of what Henry Louis Gates calls authenticity, and I wrote about it years ago in an essay called Two Pigs from Maine. When DownEast announced their […]

Lessons From Seaweed

Most Mainers know something about seaweed, some of what they know might even be true.  My mother sang the praises of dulse in her diet, though I recall that she rarely ate it.  My father used what we called rockweed from the shores of Penobscot Bay to enrich his vegetable garden.  R.P.T. Coffin describes the […]

Reading Maine

For the New Year I have been reading again many of my old favorite works of fiction. Re-reading good books is a pleasure.  Included in my list are things like Alistair MacLeod’s No Great Mischief (the great Canadian novel?) and John LeCarre’s The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (every time I read the […]